Tuesday, November 20, 2018

How does Smart Shopping Trolley work??

The equipment used in these project is very easy to use and locally available. The mechanism of the process is quite simple and user-friendly. Arduino/ Genuine board as a microcontroller and ESP8266 is used as the WiFi module to connect with the cloud.
Adafruit cloud storage is used to view the sensor data on the dashboard. The trolley is connected with Arduino and the related programming codes are being uploaded there.  The weight sensors are connected with ESP8266 and it is the medium between the cloud and the sensors. 
when the customer completes her shopping, he/she presses the stop button. when the button turns on, the esp8266 takes data from the weight sensors. If the weight sensor indicates that the trolley is empty, it triggers the Arduino to return back to the stack. The trolley will move on the basis of single line robot, however, Arduino and Esp8266 are connected to each other.

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